How to Know if Your Social Media Campaign is Working

You’ve read all those free how-to-be-the-best social media posters in the world, used those tips, and posted fantastic content. Now, it’s time to analyze the results. It’s data on data on data on data on data. All those numbers can get confusing.

Assuming that you set realistic goals and took note of your starting points for each of those goals, this is where you should start:

Start with engagement

We mean likes, shares, comments, clicks, and account mentions when we talk about engagement. It’s the first level of getting your followers to interact with your content and you, and those hearts, thumbs-ups, or comments are great indicators of your social health.

Social experts over at Sprout Social go into exceptional depth of industry benchmarks. Across all industries, they say, brands “receive an average of 307 engagements per day on content” and “on a per-post level, brands across all industries receive an average of 13 engagements per post per day.” The article doesn’t specify, but these high numbers indicate they are more for national-level brands—so keep that in mind.

Even if you don’t hit the numbers of some of the best-known national brands, the real question to ask is: has engagement with your audience increased? Yes? Awesome, keep it up. No? Go back to your plan and look at if it’s the right plan for your target.

Look at account growth

If your customer base isn’t growing, your business isn’t growing. If you want to acquire 100 new IG followers in 10 days, the peeps over at Fresh Sparks say you need to post daily, use relevant hashtags, follow your competitors to keep track of them and engage with your targeted potential followers to achieve it.

What if I’m selling my product over social media?

If commerce is your main aim on social media, then conversion to moola is the most important thing you need to track. According to Capturly, while it varies from industry to industry, a successful social media ad conversion rate is 2-5%. That means that 2-5% end up at your website and perform your desired action.

We’ll let Hootsuite go into the nitty-gritty of what social selling is and how it works, but in a nutshell, it’s relationship building through social media. Think of it like a modern, seemingly laid-back cold-calling. Hootsuite notes that businesses that utilize social selling create 45% more sales opportunities than businesses that don’t participate.

The last word (ish)

There are 2,348,450 or so tools out there to help manage, track, and analyze all your social activities. Buffer lists out some of the top social media management tools for businesses, but agencies like ours invest in tools that allow us to perform social listening, track metrics, and stay in the conversation on all social channels.

Like we said before, there’s never a last word with social media! It’s ever-changing, and there’s always something new to learn and execute. 

Need help? We’re here.

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