Williams-Sonoma has been a client of F.W.I.W. Creative for over ten years now, and with every year that passes, we have been impressed with how the company encourages and inspires thousands of associates around the United States and Canada.

The key to that success, the Williams-Sonoma model has taught us, starts from the inside and works out. To that end, the WSI Store Operations team plans every issue of the Connoisseur newsletter to extend every associate’s knowledge of the store’s product assortments, tips for exceptional customer service and stories about associate experiences.
The F.W.I.W. Creative-crafted June issue, pictured here, featured articles about the company’s new Outdoor assortment, recognition of associates celebrating substantial employment anniversaries, information about the company’s Riedel assortment and a whimsical interview with one of the company’s District Managers, where she accurately picked the winner of this season’s Dancing with the Stars.
We look to bring the lessons we’ve learned from working with this world-class company to all of our clients, no matter the assignment.