Borrego Solar

Borrego Solar Systems is not a mom-and-pop solar company known for throwing a panel or two on your home. Borrego IS known for commercial solar farms that power commercial and public grids covering acres of property. The company takes projects from real estate research and acquisition to design, engineering, installation, and maintenance.

the call

Hi. Have you heard about this pandemic thing? Yeah, it stinks. We believe in the power of our corporate culture, and we want to bring our people together virtually. But hey, we want to make it fun. Can you do that?

the solve

Heck, yes, we can. Let’s do it.

It’s gonna take a ton of planning, a lot of interviews, some smart-aleckness, and a fantastic video editing partner. We worked with Atomic Productions to bring the project to life, ultimately producing 11 videos featuring the company’s incredible people, projects, and innovations. One of the most fun events of past Borrego get-togethers was the Battle of the Bands. So, yeah, we put together a video featuring this year’s competitors. 

Here are just four of the 11 videos we helped put together.

jazz hands
